Edward Abbey

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Edward Paul Abbey (January 29, 1927 – March 14, 1989) was an American author and essayist noted for his advocacy of environmental issues, criticism of public land policies, and anarchist political views. His best-known works include the novel The Monkey Wrench Gang, which has been cited as an inspiration by environmental groups, and the non-fiction work Desert Solitaire. (Information from Wikipedia)

Website: www.abbeyweb.net/ 

Articles in Western American Literature:

Resurrection after the “Blue Death”Literature, Politics, and Ecological Redemption at Glen Canyon, by Laura Smith

New Materialism, Ecomysticism, and the Resolution of Paradox in Edward Abbey, by David Tagnani

Searching for God or Medusa through Allusion in Abbey’s Desert Solitaire, by David D. Joplin

Artistry of Hunger: Desire and Appetite in Desert Solitaire, by Joy Kennedy

Deterministic Chaos in Ed Abbey’s Desert Solitaire, by Rod Romesburg

 Desert Solitaire and the Literary Memory of an Imagined Place, by Jared Farmer

Ontology vs. Epistemology: The Philosophical Dynamic Driving Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire, by Russell Burrows

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order: Twentieth-Century American Nature Writer, by Ann Ronald

Edward Abbey and the Romance of Wilderness, by John R. Knott

The Primitive and the Civilized in Western Fiction, by Levi S. Peterson

Edward Abbey, Appalachian Easterner, by James M. Cahalan

The Structure and Unity of Desert Solitaire, by Paul T. Bryant

Celebration and Irony: The Polyphonic Voice of Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire, by David Copland Morris

Cactus Ed’s Moveable Feast: A Preview of Confessions of a Barbarian: Pages from the Journals of Edward Abbey, by David Petersen

Edward Abbey, Anarchism and the Environment, by Jack Loeffler

Echoes, Allusions, and “Reality” in Hayduke Lives! by Paul T. Bryant

Edward Abbey, 1927–1989, by James R. Hepworth

Edward Abbey and Environmental Quixoticism, by Paul T. Bryant

The Hill Beyond the City: Elements of the Jeremiad in Edward Abbey’s “Down the River with Henry Thoreau,” by John A. Murray

Closing and Opening Western American Fiction: The Reader in The Brave Cowboy, by Stephen Tatum

“Moderate Extremism”: Edward Abbey and “The Moon-Eyed Horse,” by Jerry A. Herndon

Edward Abbey: Western Philosopher, or How to be a “Happy Hopi Hippie,” by Tom Pilkington